Hip Replacement Complications


Know How to Recover When Your Hip Replacement is Defective

Hip replacement surgery involves replacing your hip joint with an artificial ball and socket. Implants are intended to relieve pain, help you move, and improve livelihood. Manufacturers frequently use metal balls and sockets because they can last longer than ceramic and plastic hip implants. People who have been injured by defective products may suffer complications. The friction between the ball and socket can cause pieces of metal to shear off and enter the body. Metallosis is a condition where metal debris builds up in the area surrounding the hip. Another concern is rust. A metal hip implant can rust over the years and release potent chemicals in your bloodstream. It is important to contact a doctor immediately if you believe you are suffering from a defective or broken hip implant.

Metallosis Side Effects

  • Grey skin discoloration around the implant site
  • Severe pain
  • Loose implants
  • Dead tissue around the implant
  • Bone damage
  • Cysts

Defective Medical Device Attorneys Can Obtain Compensation For Your Injury

If you or a loved one received a defective hip implant and suffered complications, then you may be able to recover for medical costs, lost wages, and other damages. An experienced lawyer can help you obtain compensation for a defective or broken medical device.

Thorp Law attorney have extensive experience fighting for people who have been injured by defective products. Our team of lawyers and investigators will work vigorously to build your case so you can recover. Contact us today for a free consultation!