Attorney Isaac Thorp Recognized by Best Lawyers® 2022

Attorney Issac Thorp Lawyer of the Year 2022

Attorney Isaac Thorp, the founder of Thorp Law in Raleigh, North Carolina, has once again been recognized by “Best Lawyers® in America” in the area of Personal Injury Litigation — Plaintiffs. This year is his ninth year in a row being recognized as a Best Lawyer, with his first year selected being 2013.

With each personal injury case, Isaac gives it his all and applies his extensive legal experience to always fight for the best possible outcome. This most recent recognition by Best Lawyers® sums up his dedication to going above and beyond for clients in need.

What is Best Lawyers®?

There are many organizations that rate, review, and recognize legal professionals. Best Lawyers® is one of the country’s most trusted due to its long history and strict selection process that heavily relies on candid peer reviews from other legal professionals.

The Best Lawyers® selection process can be broken down into 5 steps:

  1. Nominations are collected from legal professionals who can nominate anyone but themselves.
  2. Peer reviews are completed by current Best Lawyers® members to narrow down the nominee pool.
  3. Analysis of the feedback is conducted by Best Lawyers® for discrepancies.
  4. Eligibility of each finalist is checked, and no one in bad standing with a bar association will continue to the final selection.
  5. Results are announced to the public, so clients can spot a trustworthy attorney easily by the Best Lawyers® badge.

To learn more about Best Lawyers® and its methodology used to select members each year, you can click here to visit the organization’s official website. To get the help of Isaac Thorp and our team at Thorp Law in Raleigh for a personal injury claim, please use an online contact form or dial (919) 373-3390 at your first opportunity.
