"Buzzed" Driving is Drunk Driving. We Sue Drunk Drivers.

A glass of beer on top of a glass table outside

“Buzzed” Driving is Drunk Driving

In North Carolina, drivers with a blood alcohol content (BAC) below a .08 are allowed to operate a motor vehicle. “Buzzed” driving occurs when a motorist consumes alcohol but has a BAC below a .08. Drivers who are buzzed, but not drunk, may be more likely to cause a serious accident than sober drivers. According to a 2014 Injury Prevention publication, drivers with a BAC of .01 are 46% more likely to cause an accident than a sober driver.

Blood Alcohol Content Explained

After consuming a single serving of alcohol, a 175-pound man will have an approximate BAC of .025 and a 125-pound female will have an approximate BAC of .04. A single serving of alcohol is defined as one 5-ounce glass of wine, one 12-ounce beer, or one shot of liquor.

The following factors influence BAC:

  • Food: Food in your stomach will slow the rate in which the small intestines absorb alcohol. When the absorption rate is slowed, it takes longer for your BAC to rise.
  • Weight: The more you weigh, the more water is in your body. Water dilutes the alcohol in your bloodstream and will lower your BAC.
  • Gender: Compared to men, women generally have less water in their body. A higher BAC will be present when there is less water to dilute the alcohol.
  • Consumption Rate: The quicker alcohol is consumed, the quicker it enters the bloodstream. Your BAC will be higher when you consume alcohol quickly.
  • Number of Drinks: As you consume more alcoholic drinks, the more alcohol enters your bloodstream and your BAC will rise.

No Safe Combination—Drinking and Driving

There is no safe combination when drinking and driving are combined. If you are injured by a drunk driver, it is important to hire an experienced lawyer. Thorp Law can help you recover when a buzzed or drunk driver causes you damage. Our team of lawyers and investigators will coordinate with law enforcement officials, conduct an independent investigation of the accident scene, and collect evidence essential to proving your claim.